Something New!

Gajindu Bandara
2 min readJun 28, 2022


This is my second year of university, therefore this is our third semester, and we have an interesting module to study this semester. This module was all about developing mobile applications. I’ve done some coding in the past, but I’ve never worked with mobile applications. We were supposed to learn most of the fundamentals of mobile application development throughout this semester. To create these mobile applications, we used the Android Studio software. I use the Intel IJ IDE for coding, and the UI of Android Studio is similar to the Intel IJ. So I had the impression that I was familiar with this program.

We learned how to design a basic mobile app to calculate the BMI value in our first lesson regarding mobile app development. The user must enter their height and weight for the program to calculate their BMI. It was interesting to me, I believe because mobile application development was something new to me. So, after the session, I was interested to try it myself, I installed the application on my computer and began coding. I followed the steps that the lecturer had told us. Finally, I was able to develop the BMI calculation program.

Because I was thrilled by this program, I decided to go more into the Android Studio application. So I experimented with different components and styles in my application. The following session taught us about several layouts in the mobile application. There is a lot more to learn about mobile applications. I’m looking to learn more about these Android apps.



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